What about dysfunctional families? 1

What about dysfunctional families?

Q. What about dysfunctional families? For example, where a parent is abusing a child and the other parent doesn’t know? What happens then?

A. This is of course a very difficult situation that does occur.

The method will however enable the child to gain a sense of self-worth, confidence, self-esteem and sense of I’m okay, and maybe as a result give them the strength and support to deal with that type of issue in a very positive, rather than a negative or helpless manner.

At the very least, the child may develop a positive sense of self-worth and confidence with the strength to say NO or to deal with the challenge more effectively.
The education parents receive regarding the use of suggestion may in itself, help to facilitate necessary change as they become more aware of how they deal with their own issues and behaviour.

It is however important that we don’t make judgements, but abuse is an issue that is today far less hidden and one that we do have to deal with.

We need to recognise that the child may have confusion about what love is. The world love can be a word used as a weapon and a tool but if the basic method is applied, at least the child will develop a level of self-confidence and the ability to deal with the situation in a more confident manner.

Conversely it’s been suggested by professionals in the psychological world that just because a person abuses a child either physically or sexually, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t love the child. The Goulding SleepTalk Method™ can assist both the child and the parent. Information, education, knowledge and awareness are sometimes major tools in combating inappropriate behaviour and maybe that knowledge will become a turning point for that parent, enabling them to deal with issues they are trying to come to terms with.

The method is a self-help process, which empowers parents to assist their child to utilise the potential within and to gain a positive structure of belief and self-image.