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- Joane Goulding and the SleepTalk Method
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- The Goulding Method SleepTalk – Parenting 101
- The Goulding Method SleepTalk – Parenting SOS
Posts by category
- FAQs
- What happens if parents cannot get a reaction from the sleeping child?
- What if both parents are involved in presenting the method?
- What if there are two children in the room?
- Does it matter how far away I stand?
- What age is puberty?
- Can I use SleepTalk during afternoon naps?
- How do I speak so I don’t wake the child up?
- Should parents repeat the suggestions during the day?
- Is the Goulding SleepTalk Method the same as hypnosis?
- If a child is always happy, how can feedback be assessed?
- If a parent has died, does that parent still get named?
- Some children live regimented orderly lives, would the Goulding Method help them?
- Does it matter if sounds can be heard when presenting the Goulding Method?
- What happens if the child awakens when doing the Goulding Method?
- Would you tell the child that you are presenting the Goulding Method?
- Would you explain in more detail what you mean by feedback?
- What happens if either parent feels uncomfortable working with the method?
- Is there any difference in the basic process when working with a child who is “impaired”?
- Does the unconscious mind of a foetus pick up on the mother’s emotions?
- How early can you start presenting the Goulding Method?
- What happens if more than one child is sleeping in the room?
- What happens if it is an unhappy or a sad day for the child?
- How would you describe the child who awakens easily?
- What happens if they have a fear of someone?
- Is there a specific Primary Area of Need suggestion for anxiety?
- Can you work with multiple issues at the same time?
- What happens if my child is fine except for nail-biting?
- What about asthma? Can the Goulding Method assist?
- Does the Goulding SleepTalk Method work with children who don’t have concerns or problems?
- What about dysfunctional families?
- What if a parent is not living with the family and has personally abused the child?
- What happens if a marriage breaks up or one person moves away or dies?
- What happens if one parent doesn’t love the child?
- What happens if the non-custodial parent is restricted in terms of access?
- When there is a stepmother or stepfather, what happens regarding the absent partner?
- Does it matter if only one parent does SleepTalk?
- How does SleepTalk deal with issues like education, stress and anxiety?
- Can SleepTalk assist with Behaviour Management like Autism or ODD?
- So SleepTalk allows parents to change negative suggestions or situations?
- What would you say are the worst things that parents say to their children?
- Would all children benefit from SleepTalk?
- Tell me more about Dr. Norman Doidge’s work in the area of Neuroplasticity
- How is Michelle now?
- When did you realise that the method was helping Michelle?
- Was the circus paddock when you began to develop SleepTalk?
- What made you realise that something could be done for Michelle?
- What was the turning point with Michelle?
- Why did you develop SleepTalk?
- Please explain how SleepTalk helps create “Emotional Health?
- What is SleepTalk?
- Testimonials
- Parents
- A huge believer in the SleepTalk miracle.
- It truly does create miracles in the lives of children and their parents.”
- WOW, I thought what an impact this has had”
- Sibling rivalry issues prior to starting SleepTalk
- My 10-year-old son has Autism and he is highly anxious.”
- Planning to continue SleepTalk”
- What can I say, thank you, thank you, thank you”
- I found the SleepTalk process a beautiful one.”
- After 12 weeks of the SleepTalk Foundation Stage…
- She Calmly Got Herself Off to Sleep!
- The result: EXTRAORDINARY !!”
- I recommend this therapy 100% !!!!
- Oh My Goodness, I am so very thrilled about this!!
- SleepTalk has Been a Huge Success!”
- Response to the SleepTalk Foundation Statements was Immediate!”
- Professional
- Cherie de Hass – Naturopath, Former Presenter: Healthy Wealthy and Wise
- Dr Janet M. Hall – Clinical and Counselling Psychologist
- Dr. Eileen Feeney – Registered MD and Psychiatrist
- Professor Ian Brighthope – Fellow of Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
- Gary Johnston – Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist
- John Cheetham – Consulting Psychologist
- Jeff Berger – Counselling Psychologist
- Parents