An image of a man and woman holding a baby.The Goulding Method  SleepTalk came about because Joane Goulding faced difficulties with her daughter Michelle.

Benefits to children who did not have any issues started becoming apparent with parents who were implementing SleepTalk with their children that had issues.

And some parents started to do SleepTalk with children who had no obvious issues. This seemed to result in their children simply becoming happier.

It seemed that every child benefit from the SleepTalk Foundation Statement, and interestingly, that those that do have issues, may only need the Foundation Statement.

Then we started hearing back from parents who were doing SleepTalk while pregnant with their second or third child. As relayed back to us from a satisfied SleepTalk parent:
I started to softly repeat the SleepTalk sentences. Even through her now piercing screams, the words and the tone of my voice obviously struck a distinct memory within her – as I had begun the SleepTalk process when I was three months pregnant with her. The crying immediately stopped and O swivelled her head towards me and gazed up in wonder. I really have never seen anything like it. (Read the full testimonial here)


As we discovered, often the Primary Problem that brought the parent to SleepTalk was resolved by simply implementing the Foundation Statement.

We also discovered that parents were implementing SleepTalk Foundation Statement was also impacting upon babies still in the womb!

We now believe that SleepTalk can be implemented as early as 18-20 weeks into a pregnancy. In other words, as soon as a baby can begin to hear sounds.

Just imagine, for a moment what a wonderful outcome for that child could be if the first things that a baby in the womb starts to hear are the words of love and happiness from their parents!

And we started to realize just how powerful the 88 word Foundation Statement was, and that it was something every single child could benefit from.

But why was this so?

SleepTalk and the Subconscious Mind

But before we talk more about SleepTalk, we need to discuss the importance of the unconscious or subconscious mind. (Note: the subconscious mind or unconscious mind will be used interchangeably.)

The subconscious / unconscious mind refers to a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories that are not actively in a person’s awareness. The subconscious plays a critical role in shaping a persons thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

These hidden mental processes influence our actions and decisions without our conscious realization. Think of the unconscious mind as an iceberg, with only a small portion visible above the water (conscious awareness), while the vast majority remains submerged beneath (unconscious).

The unconscious mind greatly influences the conscious mind’s belief system. Beliefs, which are assumptions or convictions about reality, are often deeply rooted in the unconscious.

Our experiences, upbringing, and cultural influences contribute to the formation of beliefs that shape our perceptions and reactions to the world. For example, if someone grows up hearing that they are not good enough, this belief can become ingrained in their unconscious and affect their self-esteem and choices.

The relationship between the unconscious and conscious mind is dynamic. While the conscious mind makes deliberate decisions, the unconscious mind can impact these decisions by filtering information, triggering emotional responses, and even introducing biases.

Sometimes, individuals may not fully understand why they feel a certain way or make certain choices; this can be attributed to the influence of the unconscious mind.

Recognizing the importance of the unconscious mind is crucial for personal growth and therapeutic interventions.

Techniques like psychoanalysis and hypnotherapy aim to bring unconscious thoughts to consciousness, allowing individuals to understand and potentially modify deep-seated beliefs that may be hindering their well-being.

SleepTalk is a similar technique to hypnosis, that like hypnosis, it allows direct communication with the child’ unconscious mind. But unlike hypnosis, there is no need for the parent to allow a hypnotist to interact directly with their children.

SleepTalk allows the subconscious mind of a child to redefine its belief structure and accept alternate positive suggestions, which upon awakening becomes their truth and reality.

SleepTalk method is a process for every parent who wants their children to reach their full potential, and to re-affirm their love to their children.

SleepTalk is about teaching parents to work with their own children while they sleep and when they awaken children have a more positive mind set.

And SleepTalk is as simple as reading a short 88 word script and children will listen without question or rejection.

The statement focuses on love and happiness.

It only takes parents about 2 or 3 minutes per evening and the suggestions will bring lasting changes last for life.

Parents Talk and Children Listen
Positive feedback has been received for issues dealing with aggression, behaviour management, stress, fear, anxiety and trauma.


Not all children need this process but it’s a given that they will all benefit from it.

SleepTalk gives children the best possible start in life of feeling loved, lovable and confident within themselves.