Does the Goulding SleepTalk Method work with children who don’t have concerns or problems?
Q. Does the Goulding Method work with children who don’t have concerns or problems? And what benefits would they gain?
A. Absolutely, the Goulding Method assists and benefits all children absolutely everybody. The recipients of the method do not necessarily have to have an issue or problem.
A child may be five or six years old, happy and well-adjusted but are you absolutely assured that they are as positive and self-confident as they could be or that they are using their full potential?
Just because a child doesn’t share their concerns with their parents, does that mean they don’t have any? A belief that they are loved and their world is a happy place will ensure that everything they do is done with a sense of self-confidence and self-worth.
Besides, many children grow up with a positive healthy self-image and without anxiety, but don’t really utilise their individual talents.
What a marvellous opportunity parents now have to assist their child’s mind to guard against negative suggestions and stop the thieves of self-esteem.