How does SleepTalk deal with issues like education, stress and anxiety? 1

How does SleepTalk deal with issues like education, stress and anxiety?

A. Some of the positive feedback we have received over the past years has been posted on the testimonials page.

You’ll find testimonials about children and families dealing with aggression, poor behaviour management, stress, fear, anxiety, and trauma.

It also assists families dealing with sibling rivalry and destructive communication patterns.

The method is particularly helpful when dealing with issues around education and study, co-operation and concentration.

Health issues also respond in a positive manner, such as asthma, bed-wetting, nail-biting and speech difficulties.

Professor Ian Brighthope, a very prominent expert based in Australia, believes that the SleepTalk should be adopted by all parents. He has described it as a sensible, practical and easy-to-follow method of communicating important messages to the unconscious mind. He considers it especially useful for effecting changes in children’s behaviour.

He suggests that educators and health professionals consider the method in the management of all disorders in which the mind plays a significant role. The method has been described as the two minute gift with changes that lasts a life time. Parents talk – children listen – creating happiness while they sleep.

SleepTalk is a profound gift because it’s important for parents to realise that it’s not what we leave to our children that matters, it’s what we leave within their minds.