A huge believer in the SleepTalk miracle.
I have been doing SleepTalk with ‘D’ (9 years old) now for 6 months and I have a new boy! He is back to being my loving, caring and helpful son who has found his self-esteem and self-worth again. I…
I have been doing SleepTalk with ‘D’ (9 years old) now for 6 months and I have a new boy! He is back to being my loving, caring and helpful son who has found his self-esteem and self-worth again. I…
‘J’ has exhibited some excellent improvements and some outstanding breakthroughs not just at school, but in his home environment as well. I do believe a lot of it was related to his lack of confidence and lack of belief in…
Attempting something for the first time, I was nervous to begin the process, especially as it takes me forever to get ‘L’ to sleep. The thought of waking the child was a huge concern. I found that within the first…
P’ is the younger of 2 siblings. Her older brother and her had some sibling rivalry issues prior to starting SleepTalk, with ‘P’ displaying more of the jealousy and attention-seeking at times when she thought she was being left out. …
My 10-year-old son has Autism and he is highly anxious. You have helped us with SleepTalk, a program to provide my son with an internal peace and strength to cope with life’s daily stresses. For kids with Autism, these…
‘J’ is a delightful young boy and SleepTalk has made a significant change to his general demeanour. He seems much happier, light and calm. He has a much better outlook on life and calmness has taken over his whole…
“What can I say, thank you, thank you, thank you – for giving me back my sweet little boy. His behaviour has done a complete turnaround. He has gone from being the trouble maker at school to telling the trouble…
I found the SleepTalk™ process a beautiful one. It gives me the opportunity to reflect daily on what matters most; unconditional love. Over the months, I found myself much more accepting of ‘H’s imperfections. In the past, I was very…
After 12 weeks of the SleepTalk® Process- Foundation Stage Mum noticed results after two weeks of the SleepTalk® process and the first observation was the increase in the confidence level where he became more approachable to try new things or…
I am very embarrassed to be writing to you, so long after I completed the SleepTalk course with you. If you remember, at the time I was pregnant and had a 6 year old boy named A and and a…
For some time, my son had great fears, a lack of self-confidence and an uncontrollable sensitivity (often at the end of the day). We did not know what to do … see a psychologist? like, everyone… Thanks to the good advice of…
The SleepTalk method gave a new start to our family. I started with my 6-year-old son who had a lot of excitement to evacuate and a big lack of self-confidence and behaviour problems at school. Since then, everything is…
My children have become calm again and the household is happier, thank you for giving me back my child. I have been presenting SleepTalk – with my son who is 9 yrs of age for 6 months and I have…
He’s going to bed without a fuss is now the norm! Possibly being twinned with a new and regular bedtime routine he now never complains or kicks up a fuss and has even asked his mum on occasion if he…
A response to the SleepTalk Foundation statements was immediate! The morning after the very first time of using the statements ‘T’ came up to me, looking very deeply at me with a smile on her face; a look which, had…